Below is a non-exhaustive list of courses offered on human-computer interaction, interaction design, and other related topics across various departments and units on campus. More detail and up-to-date information on courses can be found on department websites.
- Communication Arts
- Computer Sciences
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Design Studies
- Educational Psychology
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- School of Library & Information Studies
- CA 345 Online Communication and Personal Relationships
- CA 577 Dynamics of Online Relationships
- CA 970 Seminar in Computer-Mediated Communication
- CS 270 Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 570 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
- CS/Psych 770 Human-Computer Interaction
- C&I 675 Design-Based Research
- DS 501 Smart Clothing and Wearable Computing
- Ed Psych 711 Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- ISyE 349 Introduction to Human Factors
- ISyE 652 Sociotechnical Systems
- ISYE/BME 662 Design and Human Disability and Aging
- ISyE 691 HCI and interactive data
- ISyE 552 Human Factors design and evaluation using contextual design methods
- ISyE 885 Cognitive Engineering Seminar
- LIS 351 Introduction to Digital Information
- LIS 661 Information Ethics and Policy
- LIS 710 Research and Evaluation Methods
- LIS 861 Information Architecture
- LIS 640 Topics: Systems Analysis and Design
- LIS 640 Topics: User Experience Design in Human Computer Interaction
- LIS 640 Topics: Code and Power
- LIS 644 Digital Tools, Trends and Debates
- LIS 668 Digital Curation
- LIS 751 Database Design
- LIS 822 Information Use and Users in Contex
- LIS 940 Seminar in Users and Uses in Context
- LIS 910 Seminar in Design and Methodology: Social Informatics